Golden Altai Academy Articles - Table of Contents
  • "Time of Great Changes Pluton enters Capricorn"  by UniversynergyarArts Golden Altai Academy
    A very significant historical and evolutionary event for the life of the planet Earth will happen on January 26th: Pluto, which has been transiting the sign of Sagittarius, will begin his exponential and destructive transit in Capricorn.. February 2008
  • "Terminal catastrophes or the beginning of a new era?"  by
    Change in consciousness seems, therefore, to be the key word for the realisation of a big personal transformation leading to Knowledge. No other time has been in a greater need for the right kind of guidance!Where can contemporary man turn for help in order to overcome his limitations, increase awareness and develop his highest potentials? Whereas theories of what will happen abound, it is only beginning to be seen who can practically help human beings to make the shift from ordinary to developed consciousness, encourage the awaking of divinity within and lead willing humans to the next step. . February 2008
  • "Tantra of Shambala (1) - What is sexual energy?"  by UniversynergyArts Golden Altai Academy
    . February 2008
  • "Tantra of Shambala (2) - How to choose a partner"  by UniversynergyArts Golden Altai Academy
    . February 2008
  • "Tantra of Shambala (3) - Practice"  by UniversynergyArts Golden Altai Academy
    . February 2008
  • "Telepathy and Hypnoses"  by Vouter
    . March 2005