Reiki Energy Healing Blog

What is Reiki? Can Reiki help you?

What Is Reiki?

Reiki healing arts were rediscovered in the late 1800s by Dr. Mikao Usui
in Japan, and is thought to have originated thousands of years ago.
A very simple, yet powerful healing art, you can use it on yourself
as well as on others.

Reiki Blog -- Reiki is simply the laying-on-of-hands healing and is
pronounced ray-key.

You can easily learn how to do it. Reiki is a spiritual healing technique
which involves, but is not limited to, the laying on of hands.

No previous knowledge or training is required to attend a workshop.
Even children are inclined toward Reiki and use it to help them
cope with the outside world.

Reiki is derived from two Japanese words:
rei - meaning soul or spirit
ki - meaning life force energy

Traditionally, Reiki has been taught in three degrees or levels.

Reiki is easy to learn and use. Reiki is Universal energy that seems to have
its own consciousness (it follows Universal Law), and is able to
provide exactly what is needed on all levels.

A specific attunement for each degree of training is passed down from a
Reiki master to student.

Taylore Vance
Reiki Master for Reiki Blog and training

Reiki stories -- Laser Reiki Energy Healing

More about Reiki healing What is Reiki?

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who want more joy and wellness in their lives.

For more information see Reiki Energy Healing
Posted on: 2008-02-07 20:17:24. Comments