colon's Blog

How Many Colonics Do I Need?

Over consumption of meat, dairy, sugar and white flour products along with heavy exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, has caused our body to become toxic. Our body’s immune system can no longer handle the heavy amount of toxins that our food and environment continue to bombard us with. Thus, colon cancer is on the rise along with a multitude of other diseases. Our health problems didn’t start overnight. It was a gradual pollution of our body. So, it stands to reason that detoxing and cleansing the body cannot be accomplished in one session.

This statement from Dr. Tiller explains the need for several sessions: “From my extensive research and experience, I agree that a series of twelve sessions is necessary. Three the first week, back to back, two the second week, and one a week for the next seven weeks. The reason for that is the human body is exceptionally smart. When we clean out the colon, the body starts pulling waste out of the tissue and putting them into the blood stream. The waste heads for the liver, then back to the colon. Therefore, the second Colon Hydrotherapy session is necessary so that the digested waste is eliminated rather than reabsorbed. The same reason applies to the following two the second week. After the first five, I then recommend one a week for seven weeks. This slows detoxification to a gentler-tolerable rate.” William Tiller, N.D.

We believe that all clients should complete three colonics the first week, preferably back to back, when they first start their cleansing/detoxing program. I have seen remarkable results by clients that continued the program that Dr. Tiller recommended. Here’s why:

1. The colon is an absorbing organ, when water is infused into the colon it will absorb a portion of the water and hydrate the entire body. All of the body’s organs are hydrated, this is one of the reasons that people who do a number of colonics report a significant improvement in the quality of their skin (the skin being the largest organ).

2. After the first colonic session the colon has a significant amount of water in it. By doing another colonic (the next day) clients report more significant releases. This is primarily because the colon is already hydrated and flushing out impacted matter is easier when it has been softened.
3. Another important reason for the second colonic is the fact that although one is releasing toxins from the body some toxins may be reabsorbed (remember the colon is an absorbing organ). So, what happens is that the client may report flu-like symptoms the next day, which is elevated when they get the second and third colonic session back to back. When the client comes in for the second session the liver will pull toxins from the blood system and dump them into the colon where the colonic is readily able to flush them from your system .
Posted on: 2011-02-03 13:44:52. Comments

It's Whats Inside That Counts

People spend billions of dollars every year on soap, cleaners, perfumes, creams, and so forth, to make sure that the outside of their bodies look, feel and smell good.

While at the same time the inside is full of old layers of fats, starch and proteins in the form of feces, mucus, gas and toxins. Due to years of accumulation their insides are thicker, weigh more and tissue are starting to rot.

If you are clean on the inside it will reflect on the outside.

For years you have heard “True beauty comes from within”. Well in reality “True Health comes from within”.

Our society today is so used to feeling bad that they accept it as the aging process. And some have actually had doctors tell them “It’s just part of getting old”. This is not aging, this is toxic overload.

With all of the chemicals, cigarettes, drugs, food preservatives and pollution, our bodies need cleansing on a daily basis.

We use to do that naturally by consuming fresh fruit and vegetables and pure clean water, but now we have more choices, flavored water, meat and our vegetables are creamed, scalloped and cooked to death, leaving no enzymes for digestion.

Most of our over processed food does not digest and undigested food poisons your system and putrefies. Who wants rotten food in their system?
Posted on: 2011-02-03 13:43:01. Comments