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Ernie Karhu



East Third Street
Prescott, MI 48756
United States
T: 616-855-2425


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Ernie Karhu, Holistic Counselor, Tai Chi Qigong and Sustainability Facilitator




Prescott (Skidway Lake), Michigan

Includes, but not limited to:

Tai Chi Qigong

Meridian Energy Therapy

Holistic Counseling

Sound Therapy

Stress Management

Energy Therapy (Reiki, Plasma Energy, etc.)

Universal Spiritual Ministry

Live simply so that others may simply live.

On the most fundamental level, the idea of living ‘sustainably’ refers to the notion that one’s everyday actions and practices create a lifestyle that in turn produces a more healthy, habitable and equitable world for all beings. But, even this broad definition raises issues and conflicts and can be challenging. This, in part, is the magic and power of bringing sustainability concepts and issues into your daily living.

Fundamentally, sustainability refers to our potential for sustaining---supporting, maintaining, upholding---beneficial aspects of society or the environment.
The world we live in is one of ever increasing interdependence between all inhabitants of the world. Our daily lifestyle choices impact all aspects of our planet in an economic, environmental, and social manner. Often these impacts are not discussed, and not ‘readily’ evident. Often there are ‘hidden costs’ involved in our daily decision-making such as negatively impacting future generations we may never meet or adversely affecting places we may never visit or live in.

These ‘hidden costs’ of our actions can often have dire, far reaching, negative impacts on our global world. For example, though an item may be marked with a low price at our local store, what are the costs when considering: importation (fuel and shipping infrastructure), labor (quality of life for workers, worker benefits and wages), environmental damage (waste issues, landfill and environmental impacts of the object’s industry)?

Profile and Credentials        

Ernie began his career as a Lutheran Clergyman in the 1960s and a psychotherapist in the 1970s. During that time he also maintained a career as an allied health services rehabilitation counselor, social worker, psychologist and administrator. Beginning in the 1970s he studied a wide variety of alternative methodologies including sound healing and the use of biofeedback and energy psychology. He is a Registered Reiki Master Teacher using his own sensitivity to energy as a means of diagnosis, a Meridian Energy Therapist and Sound Therapist using and teaching a wide variety of energy and sound techniques. He continues his study through numerous professional associations. He has taught in a wide variety of academic, public and private settings beginning in 1960. He recently worked in Massachusetts as a certified SHINE/SHIP counselor providing free health information services to elders. He provides a universal spiritual ministry to anyone seeking spiritual counseling without regard to belief or faith. A ministry serving those with no formal religious affiliation or belief system and for those seeking quality alternative End of Life Care information options.

He has lived and practiced in Ohio, Indiana, New York, Maine and Massachusetts before moving to Michigan's Northeastern Region west of the Saginaw Bay.

Philosophy and Comments        

Psychological Reversal

One of the major contributions to our understanding of physical, mental and emotional problems lies in the concept of Psychological Reversal (PR). The principle of Psychological Reversal is that if your natural energy flow (i.e., the healthy flow of energy along meridian lines) becomes "reversed" due to shock, stress, or trauma, healing cannot take place easily as the body is fighting against its own natural healing process. This may be entirely unconscious, or you may be aware that you have a fear of getting over the problem, a fear you will not get over the problem, a feeling you don’t deserve to get over it, or even a feeling that it is not safe to get over it.

What do stress disorders; Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning Disabilities, chronic depression and anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, oppositional behavior, bipolar disorders and peak performance all have in common? The answer is: Each is a product of the brain. Peak performance occurs when the brain is able to do a particular task or project in a highly efficient manner or is optimal; the rest are symptoms of a brain that is malfunctioning and not performing as it should.

We are “learning machines.” Our nervous system senses what is going on in the environment – the brain quickly processes and analyzes the new information – nerve cells fire and connect into performance circuits – we function and respond to what is going on in the world. This is “physiological” biofeedback defined: Information in – process and integrate – respond and interact. Using the power of physiological biofeedback, our brain and nervous system quickly learns highly complex processes:

The discovery and development of “instrumented” (computer assisted) biofeedback gives us the power to work with our brain/body so it can re-learn what it learned in years past. Once we learn self-regulation with instrumented biofeedback, we can normally recreate the experience for years later without the biofeedback device. We have better life tools with which to deal with the negative effects of stress-related discomforts.

The answer is pretty simple when you understand that behavior is a product of the brain. Attention and focus problems (Attention Deficit Disorder), learning difficulties (Learning Disabilities), stuck mood patterns (depression and anxiety), redundant behavior (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), and unstable electrical energy (epilepsy) are all examples of a brain executing a specific performance characteristic poorly. The only difference between any of these “brain disorders” is where and in what way the brain is mismanaging its energy.

Many cortical and subcortical areas of the brain have spontaneously occurring 36 - 44 Hz (“40-Hz”) activity. Across the scalp, the EEG peak frequency of 40-Hz (39.5 Hz). The brain has certain resident resonant frequencies that are subharmonics of 40-Hz activity. Some of these EEG frequencies are commonly trained in Neurotherapy. Two examples are 12-15 Hz and 7-8 Hz activity, which are third and fifth subharmonics. Other frequencies with known cognitive and mental processing relationships and mathematical associations to 40-Hz include "Frontal mid Theta" at 6.5 Hz (sixth subharmonic) and Theta at 4 Hz (tenth subharmonic). Training at these 40-Hz and their subharmonics provide further insight into the mechanics of the Neurofeedback process and lead to more effective and efficient training. It is also anticipated that when these 40-Hz/subharmonics are used, the mechanisms of cerebral function are optimized.

Work Hours and Fee Schedule        

Holistic Counseling is available at a low cost to those who may benefit.

Universal Ministry and Spiritual Counseling is offered without regard to belief systems is available to anyone.

Classes for as little as $3/one hour session per person

Sliding scale and senior discounts

Qigong Tai Chi for Seniors and others


Zen of Aging

Zen Drawing

Shamanic Journeys

Native American Art

Drum Circles

Psychic and Spiritual Self-Discovery

Holographic Transformation Now        

Holistic/Holographic Biofeedback Therapy™ is based on the principle that the health of body, mind, and spirit are anchored in the body's energy systems. Health problems can be diminished, and often overcome, by intelligently shifting the energies that maintain them. And by keeping your energies balanced and tuned, you increase your vitality, effectiveness, and joy in life! Healing means to make whole. Problems are opportunities to experience healing through a discovery of resonance with wholeness.

Biofeedback Training enhances attention, focus, and memory by teaching the brain to decrease attention-dampening slow waves and increase the faster working frequencies. More consistent performance, faster brain processing speed, and improved accuracy is accomplished by helping the brain correct inappropriate Coherence and Phase characteristics (measures of how well the brain is sharing and transmitting information from one performance area to another).

To have a truly new idea and manifest the object of creativity into the physical world, your brain must rapidly go through a six-phase process:

Phase 1 A problem or situation is recognized. To optimize our performance and to be creative, our brain must be feeling comfortable in the environment, without undue fear of attack or preoccupations with survival.

Phase 2 There must be a desire for solutions or ideas to current problems or situations.
Recognition of potential requires the deeply seated emotional brain to be functioning efficiently and unoccupied with extreme worry and doubt.

Phase 3 The brain momentarily suspends logic and survival mechanisms in the left hemisphere.
The left hemisphere’s job is to analyze what is going on in the environment and execute our means of survival. It must be functioning efficiently, sensing a direct, accurate communication with the deep brain survival centers.

Phase 4 The “unattached,” “free-floating” right side of the brain is allowed to make abstract associations. The right side of the brain is our “gathering” brain. It makes no judgment of the incoming information. If malfunctioning, information transferred from the right to left hemisphere will be erroneous, jeopardizing the possibilities of any new and novel ideas.

Phase 5 The logic, rational-seeking left hemisphere considers the merits of the new idea.
If the left hemisphere is dysfunctional, the idea will be distorted and probably denied as being possible.

Phase 6 If the person elects to manifest the object of creativity into the physical world, the front part of the brain (frontal lobes) is brought into play to plan, strategize, and execute the plans needed to create the new idea or product. Poor attention, focus, or mood, all products of the frontal lobes, will sabotage the manifestations any new ideas. Creativity, then, from problem-that-needs-a-solution to solution-manifested-into-the-physical world, is a “whole brain” process. If any of the functions are inefficient, an idea or production will only come reluctantly, the potential of possible solutions will not be adequately recognized, or manifestation into the physical world will occur only on a hit or miss basis, if at all.

Sound Healing        

Applied psychoacoustics or sound healing is a branch of Energy Medicine that uses music and sound modalities, i.e.: tuning forks, voice energetics, toning, mantras and chanting, and music listening. Sound therapy also uses color and light, crystals and gems, flower essences, dowsing, dream work, nutrition, relationships, and consciousness exploration with art or drawing.
Sound therapy assists you to:
• Achieve deep relaxation and mind/body balance in seconds—not hours
• Reduce stress and muscular tension, spasms and pain nearly instantaneously
• Increase blood flow and circulation by releasing constriction around targeted organs
• Transcend to higher levels of consciousness and access spiritual insights
Each tuning fork is calibrated at a specific frequency to address different areas of healing and development. The energy of a tuning fork works faster than a needle on an acupuncture point and is less invasive.

Tibetan and Crystal Bowls, Tibetan bells
Gongs, Drums

Frequency Correlates in Cerebral Function        

Nobel Laureate Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, has recently turned his attention to the brain. In a recorded interview (The Brain: Our Universe Within), Professor Crick states that he believes that 40-hz pulses control mechanisms in the brain. When we focus, certain neurons fire in a particular pattern (40-Hz) that creates a phase lock with neurons in other areas of the cortex.

EEG frequencies associated with various mental tasks are found in a number of frequency bands and electrode sites. Unexpected, at least to me, was the finding that the primary EEG power correlated with most mental tasks is in a 12 - 14 Hz frequency band. The next highest band for most tasks is the 10 - 12 Hz band. An implication for Neurotherapy is that if increased intelligence and mental efficiency is the objective, then a frequency band with a 13 Hz center should be used. A more desirable frequency band than 12 - 15 Hz is 11.5 - 14.5 Hz.

Neurofeedback aids in the opening of certain critical, frequency related "gates" in cerebral function to which the trainee previously had restricted, limited or no access.

Forty-Hz activity represents a chord -- a computation -- composed of several resident key brain frequencies. If these resonant frequencies are fully and dynamically present, maximum cerebral potential (volitional accessibility to specific neuronal functions, multiple states and levels of consciousness, and attentional flexibility) is available. Dissonance, deficiency or excess in one or more key frequencies leads to discordance of 40-Hz activity, which in turn leads to hampered ability (a deficit) of some specific operation in cerebral functioning. Neurofeedback aids in the restoration of specific key resonant frequencies, thereby restoring full clarity to the 40 Hz.

40-Hz itself seems a subharmonic of a still higher cerebral frequency. EEG frequencies over 40 Hz have been reported and recorded suggesting ath what appears to be true EEG activity at frequencies up to 128 Hz.

Alpha: The peak frequency of alpha in most people is in the 9.5 to 10 Hz range, a fourth subharmonic of 40-Hz. Alpha rhythm, then, is only indirectly involved in the brain's attentional mechanism. Alpha is the brain's scanning (idling) frequency, denoting a brain "standing by," waiting to give way to Beta should attention be required, or to be the bridge, the gate, to Theta and Delta for drowsiness, sleep and certain cognitive challenges. Alpha is therefore an important cerebral rhythm, perhaps being mathematically a resonant piece of the 40-Hz Grand Conductor's ensemble of frequencies.

Alpha/Theta "Border" A fascinating possibility is the harmonic association of 40-Hz activity and the Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback training for addictions. The objective in addictive work is to teach the brain to open the fifth sub-harmonic "gate" of 40-Hz (7 - 8 Hz). Because of genetic anomalies, the neurochemistry in some people is satisfied with a drink (or bite) or two while the neurochemistry of the addicted person drives him or her into an unrelenting spiral of craving. Tying the 40-Hz theory with Blum's theory, it appears that those with genetic anomalies (addictive tendencies) can be "locked out" of certain EEG frequencies, and thus certain neurochemistry (or vice versa). As a result, those with addictive craving are not able to feel rewarded (satisfied) while non-addictive people are. Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback results in some 80% of those addicts properly trained becoming non-craving, having a mellow personality and significantly adjusted neurochemistry. Alpha/Theta training is a process by which the previously closed fifth subharmonic gate (40-Hz divided by 5) can be opened and certain critical neurochemistry accessed.

Beta should be trained at 18 - 22 Hz.

Theta2 has a prominent spectral peak at 6.5 Hz with smaller peaks at 3.2 and 13 Hz and a lower spectral peak to be approximately 2 Hz (a twentieth subharmonic of 40 Hz) Theta at 4 Hz corresponds to a full memory search. Theta, then, like Alpha, is a scanning frequency. The brain uses Theta band frequencies for important scanning and memory functions. Therefore, inhibiting Theta during Neurofeedback training could conceivably be detrimental to memory storage and cognition.

Delta also has mental/EEG associations: WISC Information (right fronto-central), Comprehension (left central), Vocabulary (right temporal), Digit Span (right occipital), Verbal I.Q. (bicentral). A decrease of Theta will decrease Delta.

Adapted from the Journal of Neurotherapy

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Monitoring & Biofeedback        

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Monitoring and Biofeedback will be included throughout all sessions. 10 sessions are usually suffieient for most situations. You will notice immediate improvement. A individualized treatment plan is developed for each participant. Treatment includes concurrent sound and biofeedback while performing certain tasks including computer games.

HRV measures the neural activity of the heart. HRV rises and falls naturally in response to breathing, blood pressure, hormones, and emotions. This variability is healthy. Chronic Stress and unresolved conflicts – those held in your body, mind, and emotions -- decrease HRV. HRV is therefore not only a gauge to health and longevity, it is an important measure of stress.

Since how we handle stress is largely mediated by the Autonomic Nervous System, the heart beat record can provide a fairly accurate measure of an individual's autonomic activity. This has been well documented in over twenty years of HRV research.

In my therapy, I use HRV biofeedback software to assure that you are reaching autonomic balance and tuning into certain ranges that are known to promote and provide optimum healing. You will be able to see for yourself the positive outcomes of your therapy.

HRV monitoring will be used to validate your progress as well as the treatment methods that work best for you.

In addition to my treatment sessions, it is possible for you to schedule sessions on the computer to train yourself to be more relaxed, peaceful, and effective by using the HRV biofeedback method. You can train yourself to have more HR variability and thus a higher level of circulatory and emotional health. Self-training in HRV using our equipment is available for a small fee. Or you can buy your own equipment through us. Call for information.

Research Information on HRV:

Clinical studies and case histories of patients with diverse medical conditions have suggested that these techniques can have a positive effect on the autonomic, hormonal and immune systems that improve:

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Bipolar disorders
• Panic disorders
• Stress disorders
• Memory disorders
• Attention deficit disorders
• Obsessive compulsive disorders
• Chronic pain
• Hypertension
• Arrhythmias
• Sleep disorders
• Fibromyalgia
• Chronic Fatigue
• Headaches (migraine)
• Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy (DAN)

What You Receive

A comprehensive diagnostic telephone interview; a free 1.5 hour initial diagnostic and trial session; a treatment plan for an average of 10 sessions; a customized training program and printed manual to use at home, guided meditation and/or activities, music or sound CDs. Unlimited telephone follow-up; follow-up sessions if desired. A additional fee is made for cost of materials.

CALL 616-855-2425 (Vonage Service)

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