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Carole Hoffman



Moncure, NC 27559
United States
T: 919-542-7028




Carole Hoffman, CSPP, CNDP Neural Depolarization


Neural Depolarization is a new and innovative energy healing therapy and is the most advanced level of internal balancing of our chemical cellular structure. Working directly with our nervous system, this goes directly to the source of all physical, mental and emotional pain and disease. Our body and mind are facilitated in restoring their inherent self-healing abilities.

Spiritual philosophy assists us in our search for internal knowledge of self. As we open our mind to a higher level of understanding of why we feel and behave as we do, we learn how to develop our full potential as a creative being. This can give us a sense of freedom and independence that inspires us to change our thinking and state of being to one of peace and joy.

Profile and Credentials        

I am a Certified Spiritual Philosophy Practitioner, certified in Neural Depolarization and Spiritual Tutoring. I have a BA in Psychology.

Philosophy and Comments        

Combining Neural Depolarization and Spiritual Philosophy supports us in integrating our thinking mind,loving emotions and spirit senses. Only then can we be all that we can be as a dual soul and spirit consciousness. In order to heal the body we must first heal the mind. This integrative approach to healing can give us a sense of freedom and independence that inspires us to change our thinking and state of being to one of peace,joy and optimum health.

Work Hours and Fee Schedule        

I am available by appointment,and do my best to accommodate the scheduling needs of my clients. My fee is $75 per hour.





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