Andrea Carter, Certified MindScape & BodyTalk Instructor Press Information
MindScape Interview with Lisa Prentice - BodyTalk News
MindScape Interview Questions

Vancouver - Monday, February 22nd 2010 - Andrea, you've been teaching MindScape for a few years now and it's really beginning to launch into the business world as well as practitioners of varying degrees. Thank you for joining us today to discuss MindScape and what it does for people's minds. Why don't you start by giving some basic information on MindScape.

Thank you Lisa. MindScape is a course that teaches participants through experiential techniques how to use their mind it's greatest capacity. Most of us have learned over the course of our lives to think, act, and behave a certain way, and in doing so we've created repetitive programming within our brain. This course teaches participants to learn and use new pathways, exercising the brain to do what it's meant to do, act like a supercomputer instead of our average pocket calculator! Realistically the average person uses only 5% of their mind, MindScape opens that gap and allows people to use their mind to their potential. That's the excitement to me, and why I love teaching it. I love hearing how students lives change after they've learned it and used it in their own lives.

Is mindscape difficult to learn?

MindScape is not hard to learn, it is done over 2 days, and the entire course is about experiencing the techniques. We do not learn by reading, nor by being lectured to, we learn by experiencing and that is why the course is so effective. An example of this would be knowing what it’s like to be pregnant, you can have an idea of what that is, but until you are pregnant, experiencing it first hand, you can never fully understand it. MindScape uses the concept of experiencing each technique in order to fully understand how the mind is working, how you can change it yourself, and how you can understand how to recreate patterns and pathways in your own life.

If someone is not very creative would they still benefit from mindscape?

As Caroline Myss puts it, “Blocked creative expression is as detrimental to your well being as a drug addiction”. Often creativity is misunderstood to indicate artistic talent, yet creativity energy, which is learned in MindScape, is a basic survival instinct and without it we stifle our ability to succeed. Using these terms, creativity can implicate bringing a solution to life, cultivating a friendship or business idea, ideas we conceive, or just being productive. Wouldn’t you like to do these types of things more fluidly in your life? That’s one of the basic premises of MindScape, to engage both sides of the brain so that creativity can expand within logical boundaries.

Does someone have to be psychic to use Mindscape successfully?

The wording here is a little tricky as all of us are a little psychic, if we use the term literally it indicates the ability to tune into our 5 senses and be aware of our physical surroundings on more levels. The majority of adults learn to tune this out, although we watch children engage in these sensory experiences daily.

What MindScape will allow is for an adult to become more aware of their senses which will allow for the brain to experience more, as well as interpret other ways of living with a more in tune perspective.

If you were indicating the other usage of the work psychic, ie: doing readings, being a medium, speaking to the dead, that’s a whole other concept! These do not come into the training of MindScape in any regard. There is nothing wrong with them, however MindScape is not the course that one would take in order to learn about them. So in this sense of the word, no one does not need to be psychic to use MindScape.

What are some of the biggest benefits to learning Mindscape?

Goodness, the benefits are endless, so this is a big question. The best way to answer this would be to give some examples of how people use MindScape. Have you ever been bored with work/relationships/direction in life? Typically what MindScape allows for is an opening of the mind using a structure that once you learn it, you will customize, and then allow your mind to be able to direct you to a creative process. When you’ve engaged this creative process, solutions will be presented to you.

MindScape enables you to determine what is the best course of action, where you should focus, what you should do and in what order, how to train, ect. Other benefits could be using these techniques to train for sports or performance related scenarios, ie a business presentation, a speech, a concert, or tests. Pablo Picasso used to say, “Inspriation does exist, but it must find you working.” MindScape will create a framework for inspiration and the process of working to co-exist. Not to mention it is so relaxing! So even if you just use it as a means to decrease your stress levels, your health will improve without question, and there is also a formal technique to work on your own health issues!

How is Mindscape different than Meditation?

MindScape and Meditation share similar philosophies, however the two are quite unique. MindScape engages a marriage between the left and right hemisphere of the brain, whereby the mind learns how to rewire the current neural pathways. Once you’ve completed the training, and have practiced it, you will be able to use it eventually with your eyes open and in situations where you need to make a decision right then and there. By developing the mental mapping, as we do in MindScape, one can use the technique for aspects of life in the moment, instead of after the fact to de-stress.

What differences can people notice in their lives after using the techniques in Mindscape?

Life doesn’t have to be sooooo hard! We are programmed to think and behave in negative patterning, MindScape changes that so that life happens in a simple way, easily, fluidly, and in harmony to what we are truly wanting.

How have these techniques changed your life?

Another huge question! MindScape has changed all facets of my life. I attribute my ability to conceive to MindScape, changing the belief that I was told at 18 years old that I could not conceive a child, or would have to do IVF in order to have that happen. I have a very healthy and active son who is nearly 3 now! Conceived naturally and I might add that the delivery was a wonderful 7hours of joy. I attribute all of my business successes to MindScape, and there have been many. My husband attributes his success with CFA exams and his success in the financial industry to MindScape as well. We use it daily and it has given a great deal of peace in all decisions.

What is the alpha mind?

The alpha mind, which is what we use in MindScape to activate the mind’s processes, is merely a slower brain wave state to that which we operate in when awake. Everyone has experienced the Alpha brain waves, it is the state just before we drift off to sleep, often when we have those great ideas and then forget them in the am! Athletes are often in alpha, however they consider it, “The Zone”, being able to anticipate where there opponent is going, how they will maneuver, where to move the body without having to actually “THINK” about doing it.

This is the first thing in MindScape that we learn how to activate on “command”. You will experience the alpha mind in a way that is easy, fun, and imaginative. From there we develop the rest of the mental framework so that you can use it customized to your own life. It truly is a gift, and the investment of the course should be looked upon as giving yourself the gift of living with joy and ease on a regular basis.

Thank you Andrea for your time, we look forward to having you back to Vancouver soon. Thank you for having me Lisa, I look forward to my bi-annual trips to teach in Vancouver!

For More Information:
Andrea Carter, Certified MindScape & BodyTalk Instructor

Calgary, ALB
Ph. 403-542-6743
Fax 403-452-1480

About Andrea Carter, Certified MindScape & BodyTalk Instructor :

Do you want a UNIQUE, EFFECTIVE SOLUTION to complex pathologies?


Our bodies act as a vehicle for us to move through life. Don't you think it's important to know a little about how your body works, and what you can do to maintain and service it?

Your Body is naturally designed to heal itself. When all parts of the body are in proper communication and synchronization, healing happens naturally. Due to the stressors of daily life, these lines of communication can become compromised resulting in disease, injury and pain.

The BodyTalk System is designed to teach people how to effectively restore, promote communication and synchronization in the body and mind. Together they initiate the natural healing and repair of all aspects of the body.

BodyTalk can be learned and used by anyone as a tool to promote healing for themselves or others.

Knowledge is empowerment, and in stressful situations, (be it illness or economic times), wouldn't you like to have the tools and knowledge to help yourself?

BodyTalk can be learned by heath practitioners and integrated seamlessly into any other health modalities.

MindScape, a course that enabled The BodyTalk System techniques to come to life, teaches one how to rewire the brain. Neurons are brain cells, and we have approximately 100 billion in our brain. Each one of those cells is capable of over 100,000 connections for communication, which means that our brain has the ability to make over 60 billion connections!

Astonishingly, we only use a fraction of what we are capable of using. The average person uses only 5% of their brain because they haven't been trained to do otherwise.

Wouldn't you like to expand how much of your brain you use?

Wouldn't you like to expand your memory bank?

Wouldn't you like your decisions to be made more easily?

Thousands of people just like you have taken this training & changed their lives...

Wouldn't you like to be next?

Classes are taught by Andrea Carter across Canada, should the one you'd like to attend be full please look at for other options, or contact her directly to set up a private course,