circlefriends's Blog


Detoxing is something I seem to procrastinate. This year I found it easier to just commit my self to the process. My freind and fellow body worker was thinking about it and that was all I needed. It is often easier when you have support. So we decided when we would start. I called that morn and aske how she was feeling and if she started. She did. So the energy was there even thought we do not speak all day. I knew she was with me. So I am on the third day. I am sipping on a strawberry,almond, bananna, yogart smoothie. I used by buster.
All of the receipes I got from "Super Detox" by Michael Van Straten. While you're detoxing you need to keep up your fluid intake. Drink plenty of filtered water, herbal teas, and stay away from coffee, alcohol or anything with sugar.

The element, Wood is associated with the Spring season and with wind.

The element is associated with the liver and the gallbladder, which regulates the smooth flow of Qi energy throughout the body and has a strong relationship with the reproductive organ system and the ability to nourish the body with blood.

Wood represents our mental activity such as intellect and the ability to reason, memory, thoughts, knowledge and comprehension. It also rules new beginnings, friendship, clarity, and positive expression. The Wood personality is very good at making decisions and carrying them through.

This is a good time to clean house and our bodies. I feel great and even had enough energy to go to the gym yesterday. I walked 2 miles on the tred mill and still had energy left. I came home and had carrot,celery, apple juice before bed. If you want more information seasonal information, please visit
Posted on: 2009-04-02 10:40:23. Comments