Sharelynne's Blog

Thanks from Line

I just saw your book listed on the Omni VIP TV site. I’m writing this message to you in hopes that you might be able to help me in my journey. My husband was abused as a young boy in his home by two different men. He was also physically abused by his mother

He grew up to be a wonderful man, husband, father and grandpa but not without a lot of suffering and blackness. He wrote his memoir in hopes that he could publish it to help other children and parents identity sexual abuse so it wouldn’t happen to them and as to show that you can still survive through and be a good person. I see your book and goal is to do the same.

Unfortunately he recently got sick before the end of the year last year and died on Jan 14th of lung cancer, such a shock to us all.

My goal is to someday publish his memoir in his memory and life he lived If there is anything you can suggest or give me any direction to help me do this I would really appreciate it.

IF you want to discuss this with me, that would be fine as well. Thanks for listening and thanks for sharing your story with others.

Regards, Line

Posted on: 2008-10-20 13:01:27. Comments

Positive comment

I finished reading the book and thought that it was extremely well written. I really liked the Chapter with the quotes from Alan Cohen it put a nice finish to your pearls of wisdom. I particularly liked the pages where you would quote other people. The quotes were well placed and thought provoking. Nice job.

Gus, Toronto, Ontario, September 15, 2008
Posted on: 2008-09-15 12:51:36. Comments

Happy Summer

Hello Everyone!!
Well the summer weather is finally here in Canada, EH!! I had a fabulous time in England and Paris this year with my Margaret!! We did all the sight seeing stuff in Paris as it was the first time for both of us!!
I LOVE my new apartment!! Doug and Pat are wonderful to have as my new landlords!!!
Things keep moving forward in a positive way and I am now on ODSP permanently (Ontario Disability Support Plan). So this gives me money to pay my bills at the end of the month. Yes I know it is VERY exciting for me also!!
I had an interview with our local paper this past week and will add it to the blog when it is printed for you each to read!! I sent a copy of the book to the Children's Aide office (AGFC) in Waterloo, which is outside of where I live. This was VERY exciting!!
I want to thank each of you for your support and encouragement on the blog. It is always nice to hear back from those of you who have found me and perhaps the book.
I LOVE your comments good, bad or indifferent because they help me to learn and grow!!
Posted on: 2008-06-19 15:17:03. Comments

To Sacred Comrad

Hi and thanks for writing to me. My wish is for you to have peace. If you feel that writing a book is what will help you accomplish that, then that is what you should do. There is a way of writing even as fiction and/or changing the names and writing under a penname that the information becomes more important than who the people are. Understand?? Just like me! Besides there is nothing stating that just because you have written the book doesn't mean you have to publish it, if you are not ready to do so. I hope this helps. I hope to hear from you again.
Sincerely, Sharelynne
Posted on: 2008-04-12 14:38:09. Comments

Very Sad

Today I was at the Alterna Credit Union branch to do the 3-day promotion of my book. I was actually asked to leave by the Acting Asst manager. I found this very interesting. I was upset at first then I realized that people who live in a bubble cannot accept that things like abuse exist. I got the impression that as I was asked to leave the branch, "this is not something we normally advertise", then they could go on pretending things like this do not exist. I asked if it was staff or customers that complained. He told me it was both. Well I guess these same people who live in their perfect worlds feel that if they do not talk about or acknowledge these behaviours as real, then therefore they do not exist. Remember only occurring in their perfect worlds.
This unfortunately is the very close-minded and narrow-minded behaviour that allows abuses such as this to continue to occur. Very SAD!!
I was told I made some of the people uncomfortable--I'm sorry but GOOD. It is only in acknowledgement of this type of behaviour and breaking the silence that there is any hope this will ever end. Perhaps not end but give victims the encouragement and comfort to tell!!
Thanks for reading!! Sharelynne

Posted on: 2008-04-02 20:27:41. Comments

YEAH!! Its released!!

Hello Again Everyone and welcome back to my blog!! Well the time has finally come when the very large chapter in my life has ended and a new and better one has begun!!
I wait patiently for your comments, the good, bad, or indifferent ones are all welcome.
I am new to this blog thing and I think I was adding my blog entries in the comments instead of this way. Oh well hopefully I will remember to do it this way next time!!
Love Sharelynne
Posted on: 2008-03-26 21:31:50. Comments


Hello and Welcome to my blog!!!
I am very proud at the end of this long journey that I am able to see the light. I am referring to my recovery and my personal healing from undoing the damage that was caused by actually marrying someone so dysfunctional. I guess in my dysfunctional frame of thinking I thought I was superhuman and could change him. If I loved him more, if I this more and that more and of course did everything else different-more-then things would have been better and he would have changed. Sorry to burst the bubble of whoever is at that stage of your relationship but unless he (they)actually make the first move to change---it is not going to happen!! I am very proud of where I am!! I am very happy to be me and on my own!! I do not NEED anyone to complete me!!! Come join me!! It is a great place to be!!! I wait impatiently for your replies-just kidding--about the impatiently part...
Sincerely Sharelynne :)
Posted on: 2007-11-12 19:03:15. Comments